分詞構文 ( participial construction )
形容詞・副詞 ( adjective and adverb )
分詞構文 ( participial construction )
形容詞・副詞 ( adjective and adverb )
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200動詞 (これが出るポイント10)■動詞-001 自動詞と誤りやすい他動詞■動詞-002 他動詞と誤りやすい自動詞■動詞-003 第2文型(SVC)をとる動詞■動詞-004 第5文型(SVOC)をとる動詞■動詞-005 人を目的語に取らない動詞■動詞-006 意外な意味を持つ動詞■動詞-007 前置詞で意味が異なる動詞■動詞-...
☆Verb-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. The storm was ( ) our town.(1) approaching(2) approached to(3) approaching to(4) approaching for ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (1) approaching...
☆Verb-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. He complained ( ) that the light was too dark.(1) me(2) of me(3) to me(4) for me ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (3) to me「彼は明かりが暗すぎると私に不平を言った」c...
☆Verb-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. Ganjin suffered so many hardships and ( ) blind.(1) made(2) went(3) ran(4) took ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (2) went「鑑真は多くの苦難を経験して盲目になった」go ...
動詞-004☆Verb-004● Choose the best answer for the blank.004. The bad weather made us ( ) the game.(1) cancel(2) to cancel(3) canceling(4) for canceling ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. (1) cancel「悪天候のために私達は試合...
☆Verb-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. He ( ) to me that he had been a spy.(1) confessed(2) persuaded(3) regretted(4) told ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (1) confessed「彼は自分はスパイだったと私に...
☆Verb-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. I'm tired of this rain. I wonder how long this weather will ( ).(1) end(2) go(3) last(4) stop ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (3) last「この雨にはうんざり...
☆Verb-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. I agree ( ) him on this point.(1) with(2) to(3) upon(4) for ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. (1) with「私はこの点に関して彼に賛成です」agree with 〜「(人)に賛成である」agre...
☆動詞-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. My brother let me ride his bike.= My brother allowed me ( ) his bike.(1) ride(2) to ride(3) to riding(4) for riding ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008...
☆Verb-009● Fill in the blank with a suitable word so that the two sentences mean the same.009. Please sit down on the chair.= Please be ( ) on the chair. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. seated「どうぞその椅子にお座りく...
☆Verb-010● Choose the best answer from the four choices.010. My car was seriously ( ) when I backed into a pole.(1) injured(2) scarred(3) damaged(4) hurt ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (3) damaged「私の車はバック...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200時制 (これが出るポイント10)■時制-001 副詞節の中では単純未来は現在…■時制-002 名詞節の中では未来の内容は未…■時制-003 過去の事実は過去形で■時制-004 過去完了形 ( had p.p. ) ■時制-005 未来完了形 ( will have p.p.)■時制-006 完了の進行形 ( have bee...
☆Tense-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. Please call me when you ( ) at the airport.(1) arrive(2) arrived(3) will arrive(4) are arrived ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (1) arrive「空港に着い...
☆Tense-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. I'm not sure whether he ( ) back tomorrow.(1) come(2) comes(3) came(4) will come ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (4) will come「明日、彼が戻って来るかどうかはよ...
☆Tense-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. I ( ) an e-mail to my boss just now.(1) send(2) sent(3) have sent(4) had sent ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (2) sent「つい先ほど私の上司にメールを送りました」just...
☆Tense-004● Choose the best answer for the blank.004. I ( ) to a foreigner before I got into college.(1) never spoke(2) was never speaking(3) have never spoken(4) had never spoken ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answ...
☆Tense-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. Next Sunday he ( ) here for three weeks.(1) has stayed(2) stays(3) will stay(4) will have stayed ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (4) will have ...
☆Tense-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. I ( ) on the problem for five hours when I finally solved it.(1) have worked(2) had been worked(3) had been working(4) will have worked ...
☆Tense-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. Though she said that she ( ) jogging every day, she doesn't feel like doing so today,(1) go(2) goes(3) went(4) had gone ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●An...
☆Tense-008● Correct the errors, if any.008. These foods are containing vitamins, minerals and fiber. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓それとも○? ↓ ↓●Answer008.×are containing → ○ containcontain 〜「〜を含んでいる」状態を表す動詞は進行形にならない。進行形になら...
☆Tense-009● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.009. It is five years since he came to Japan.= Five years ( )( ) since he came to Japan. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. have passed...
☆Tense-010● Supply words to the parentheses to make a sentence that means the same as the given Japanese sentence.010. You ( )( ) making careless mistakes.「あなたはいつも不注意なミスばかりしている」 ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answ...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200助動詞 (これが出るポイント10)■助動詞-001 判断、感情を表す should■助動詞-002 should は消して読め■助動詞-003 助動詞+have p.p. 「今思えば」■助動詞-004 助動詞+have p.p. 「実際しなかった」■助動詞-005 need の用法■助動詞-006 used to 原形、be...
☆Auxiliary-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. It's odd that he ( ) agree to the proposal.(1) will(2) would(3) should(4) might ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (3) should「彼がその提案に同意するなんて奇妙...
☆Auxiliary-002●Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. They decided that the profits ( ) be divided equally.(1) had(2) could(3) should(4) might ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (3) should「利益は等分するこ...
☆Auxiliary-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices and complete the dialogue bellow.003.A : I missed the TV drama 'Hanzawa Naoki' last night.B : My father ( ) it.(1) may record(2) may have ...
☆Auxiliary-004● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.004. You got up early this morning, but it was not necessary to do so.= You ( )( )( ) got up early this morning. ↓ ↓埋めた...
☆Auxiliary-005●Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. You ( ) take your umbrella.(1) need not to(2) need not(3) don't need(4) are not nececcary to ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer(2) need not「あなたは傘を持...
☆Auxiliary-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. A paring knife ( ) fruits and vegetables.(1) used to peel(2) is used to peel(3) use to peeling(4) is used to peeling ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●A...
☆Auxiliary-007● Fill in the blanks with appropriate words so that the two sentences mean the same.007. It is quite natural that she should get angry with him.= She ( )( ) get angry with him. ↓ ↓埋め...
☆Auxiliary-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. You ( ) stay up late at night. You should go to bed early today.(1) don't have better(2) had better not(3) had no better(4) had not ...
☆Auxiliary-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. I cannot ( ) regret the time wasted in this discussion.(1) never(2) but(3) as(4) so ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (2) but「この議論に浪費した時間を私は後...
■Auxiliary-010●Choose the best answer for the blank.010. I ( ) rather go there than stay home.(1) may(2) might(3) will(4) would ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010.(4) would------------【解説】■助動詞-010●空欄に入れるのに最も適す...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200態 (これが出るポイント10)■態-001 受動態の時制■態-002 受動態の前に何かが割り込む■態-003 2語以上を一つの動詞と考える■態-004 疑問詞を用いた文の受動態■態-005 by 〜 の省略■態-006 by 〜を取らない受動態■態-007 受動態と間違えやすい文■態-008 第5文型のCに原形をとる文■態-...
☆Voice-001● Change the voice and fill in the blanks.001. They are constructing the bridge.=The bridge ( )( )( ). ↓ ↓埋めた選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. is being constructed「橋が建設されている」受動態の文の時制は be動詞で決める!どうい...
☆Voice-002● Change the voice.002. He happened to find the fossil shell. ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. The fossil shell happened to be found by him.「貝殻の化石が偶然彼によって見つけられた」happened を受動態にしないこと。受動態の前に何かが割り込むことがあ...
☆Voice-003● Correct the error in the following English sentence, if any.003. ショックで彼は口がきけなかった。= He was robbed his speech by the shock. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. × robbed → 〇 robbed ofrob A of B 「A の B ...
☆Voice-004● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.004. Who did they invite to the party?= ( )( )( ) to the party? ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. Who, was, invited「だれがパーティーに招待されたので...
☆Voice-005● Change the following sentence to an active sentence.005. Pencils are often sold by the dozen. ↓ ↓能動態にした? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. They often sell pencils by the dozen.「鉛筆は1ダース単位でよく売られている」They はどこか...
☆Voice-006● Rewrite the following sentence into the passive voice.006. The work satisfied them. ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓受動態に ↓●Answer006. They were satisfied with the work.「彼らはその仕事に満足した」be satisfied with 〜「〜に満足する」...
☆Voice-007● Correct the error, if any.007.「私はその都市でパスポートを盗まれた」I was stolen my passport in the city. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. I had my passport stolen in the city.またはMy passport was stolen in the city....
☆Voice-008● Change the following sentence to a passive sentence.008.They made her sign a contract. ↓ ↓態を変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓Answer008. She was made to sign a contract.be made to 〜「〜させられる」使役動詞の受動態に注意!-----------...
☆Voice-009● Correct errors if any. Write a ○, if right.009. This ballpoint pen writes well. ↓ ↓合ってる?? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. ○ 正しい「このボールペンは書き味がよい」write「書ける、書き味が〜」という意味があります。このような例を他にも挙げてください。------------【解説...
☆Voice-010● Choose the best answer for the blank.010. That table needs ( ).(1) repair(2) repairing(3) being repaired(4) to repaiChoose the best answer for the blank. ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (2) rep...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200不定詞 (これが出るポイント10)■不定詞-001 不定詞の意味上の主語■不定詞-002 完了不定詞■不定詞-003 to不定詞+前置詞■不定詞-004 不定詞の打ち消し■不定詞-005 不定詞の結果を表す用法■不定詞-006 be動詞+to不定詞(可義予運意)■不定詞-007 目的を表す表現「〜するために」■不定詞-008...
☆Infinitive-001● Choose the best answer for the blank from among the four choices.001. It is careless ( ) you to do such a thing.(1) with(2) to(3) of(4) for ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (3) of不定詞の意味上の主語...
☆Infinitive-002● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.002.He hoped to attend the meeting, but he could not.= He hoped ( )( )( ) the meeting. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●A...
☆Infinitive-003● Choose the best answer for the blank.003. My hobby gives me something to ( ).(1) talk(2) talk to(3) talk with(4) talk about ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (4) talk aboutどうして about が必要?--...
☆Infinitive-004● Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word so that the two sentences mean the same.004. He promised that he would never drink and drive again.= He promised ( )( )( ) ...
☆Infinitive-005● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.005. I called on him, but he was not home.= I called on him, ( )( ) find him not home. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Ans...
☆Infinitive-006● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.006. Not a soul could be seen on the street.= Not a soul was ( )( ) seen on the street.↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Ans...
☆Infinitive-007● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.007. I got up early so that I might be in time for the train.= I got up early so ( )( ) be in time for t...
☆Infinitive-008● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.008. The book is so easy that I can read it.= The book is ( )( )( ) me to read. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer0...
☆Infinitive-009● Fill in the blank with a suitable word.009.「私が行くなと言ったのに、彼女は一人でそこに行った」She went there alone, though I told her ( )( ). ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. not, toなぜ、to で終わってるの?----------------...
☆Infinitive-010● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.010. He can speak French, much more English.= He can speak French, ( )( ) nothing of English. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200動名詞 (これが出るポイント10)■動名詞-001 目的語に動名詞をとる(メガフェプスダム)■動名詞-002 目的語に不定詞をとる(ウィデデデ…)■動名詞-003 目的語に動名詞も不定詞もとるけど…■動名詞-004 need 〜ing, want 〜ing■動名詞-005 be used to 〜ing と used to ...
☆Gerund-001● Correct errors, if any.001. The doctor advised me to stop to smoke. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. × to smoke → ○ smokingstop 〜ing「〜するのをやめる」目的語に動名詞を取る動詞を覚える。メガフェプスダ知ってる?その中身は言える?------------【解...
☆Gerund-002● Correct errors, if any.002. She refused marrying him. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. × marrying → ○ to marryrefuse to 〜「〜するの拒む」目的語に不定詞を取る動詞を覚える。それらの動詞をまとめて覚えましょう。覚え方作りました。------------【解説】☆動名詞-...
☆Gerund-003● Choose the best answer for the blank.003. I remember ( ) him somewhere before.(1) see(2) seeing(3) to see(4) to have seen ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (2) seeing動名詞と to不定詞との違いとは?-----------...
☆Gerund-004● Choose the best answer for the blank.004. The wall needs ( ).(1) paint(2) painting(3) to paint(4) to have painted↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. (2) painting「壁にペンキを塗る必要がある」need 〜ing「〜する必要がある...
☆Gerund-005● Choose the best answer for the blank.005. What do you say to ( ) out tonight?(1) eat(2) eating(3) be eaten(4) be eating ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (2) eatingWhat do you say to 〜ing?「〜するのは...
☆Gerund-006● Choose the best answer from among the four choices.006. Most Japanese students are not ( ) participating in the class discussions.(1) accustomed(2) accustomed in(3) accustomed to(4) acc...
☆Gerund-007● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.007. They insisted that you should come.= They insisted on ( )( ). ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. your, coming動名詞...
☆Gerund-008● Choose the best answer for the blank.008. The witness denied ( ) seen the accused.(1) being(2) to be(3) having(4) to have ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008. (3) having「目撃者はその被告人を見たことを否定した」having ...
☆Gerund-009● Fill in the blank with a suitable word.009. I don't like ( ) asked to make a speech. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. being動名詞の受動態を覚える。------------【解説】☆動名詞-009●適語補充009. I don't like ( being ) a...
☆Gerund-010● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.010. We can't know what may happen.= ( ) is no ( ) what may happen. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. There, knowing「...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200分詞 (これが出るポイント10)■分詞-001 現在分詞が名詞を修飾する用法■分詞-002 過去分詞が名詞を修飾する用法■分詞-003 分詞は第2文型(SVC)のCになる■分詞-004 分詞は第5文型(SVOC)のCになる■分詞-005 知覚動詞の用法■分詞-006 使役動詞の用法■分詞-007 第5文型でCに必ず 〜ing...
☆Participle-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. People ( ) crops such as rice and vegetables are called farmers.(1) grow(2) to growing(3) growing(4) grown ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001....
☆Participle-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. There were a lot of people ( ) about the game.(1) excite(2) exciting(3) excited(4) to excite ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (3) excited「多...
☆Participle-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003.His story was quite ( ) to me.(1) convince(2) convincing(3) convinced(4) for convincing ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (2) convincing「彼の話は...
☆Participle-004● Choose the best answer from the four choices.004. They had to keep the fire ( ).(1) burn(2) to burn(3) burning(4) burned ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. (3) burning「彼らは火を燃やし続けなければならなかった」SVO...
☆Participle-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. She felt her heart ( ) fast with joy.(1) beating(2) beats(3) to beat(4) to be beaten ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (1) beat「彼女は喜びで胸が高鳴る(...
☆Participle-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. Who did you have your picture ( ) with?(1) take(2) taking(3) to take(4) taken ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (4) taken「あなたは誰といっしょに写真を撮っても...
☆Participle-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. Her mother found her ( ) in his room.(1) study(2) studying(3) studied(4) to study ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. (2) studying「彼女の母親は彼女が部屋...
☆Participle-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. She couldn't make herself ( ) above the noise.(1) hear(2) hearing(3) heard(4) to hear ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓Answer●Answer008. (3) heard「騒音にか...
☆Participle-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. I'd like my shrimp ( ).(1) fry(2) frying(3) fried(4) to fry ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (3) fried「私はえびをフライにして欲しい」would like + O + p.p....
☆Participle-010● Choose the best answer from the four choices.010. He listened to the story with his eyes ( ).(1) shine(2) shining(3) shone(4) to shine ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (2) shiningwith his e...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200分詞構文 (これが出るポイント10)■分詞構文-001 接続詞がないときは分詞構文を考える■分詞構文-002 過去分詞を用いる分詞構文■分詞構文-003 完了分詞構文■分詞構文-004 独立分詞構文■分詞構文-005 分詞構文の強調■分詞構文-006 分詞構文の否定形■分詞構文-007 There is (are) 〜. の...
☆Participial construction-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001.This train starts at eight, ( ) at Hakata Station at eleven.(1) arrive(2) arriving(3) arrived(4) to arrive ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓...
☆Participial construction-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. ( ) at by everybody, I was embarrassed.(1) Staring(2) Stared(3) To stare(4) Having stared ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (2...
☆Participial construction-003● Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word to make the two sentences mean the same.003. After I had done my work, I had nothing to do.= ( )( ) my work, I had nothin...
☆Participial construction-004● Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word.004. As night came on, the crowd began to disperse.= Night ( )( ), the crowd began to disperse. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. ...
☆Participial construction-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. Living as I ( ) in the coutry, I seldom have visitors.(1) have(2) will(3) does(4) do ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (4) do「...
☆Participial construction-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. ( ) realized his hope, he returned to his home country.(1) Didn't(2) Didn't have(3) Not been(4) Not having ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ...
☆Participial construction-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. ( ) his salary what it is, she won't marry him.(1) With(2) For(3) In(4) From ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. (1) With「彼の給料が今...
☆Participial construction-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. The old man, ( ) at the end of the table, was all smiles.(1) seat(2) seated(3) having seated(4) seating ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓...
☆Participial construction-009● Choose the best answer for the blank.009. Though ( ) harder, he cannot get a good mark.(1) study(2) studying(3) studied(4) to study ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (2) studyi...
☆Participial construction-010● Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word so that the two sentences mean the same.010. If we judge from the rumor, he seems to be rich.= ( )( ) the rumor, he seems...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200関係詞 (これが出るポイント10)■関係詞-001 何が消えたかで関係詞は決まる■関係詞-002 前置詞+関係代名詞■関係詞-003 文が先行詞になることがある■関係詞-004 関係代名詞 what の用法■関係詞-005 関係副詞、先行詞の省略■関係詞-006 関係代名詞と関係副詞の違い■関係詞-007 接続詞がないときは...
☆Relative-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. I was looking for the boy ( ) I believed was among the crowd.(1) who(2) whose(3) whom(4) which ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (1) who「私は人ごみ...
☆Relative-002● Correct the error, if any.002. This is the house which he lived in his childhood. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. × which → ○ in which(または where)「ここが子供時代に彼が住んでいた家です」他にも別解があります。---------------...
☆Relative-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. He gave her a bouquet of red roses, ( ) made her very happy.(1) who(2) whose(3) when(4) which ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (4) which「彼は彼女...
☆Relative-004● Choose the best answer from the four choices.004. They drew pictures of ( ) they wanted to order in the restaurant.(1) whom(2) which(3) what(4) when ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. (3) what「...
☆Relative-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. It's raining heavily. That's ( ) I don't want to go out.(1) which(2) what(3) when(4) why ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (4) why「激しく雨が降っている。...
☆Relative-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. I live in Kyoto, ( ) is full of historic temples and shrines.(1) which(2) in which(3) of which(4) where ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (1) ...
☆Relative-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. He has two watches, neither of ( ) keeps correct time.(1) whom(2) that(3) which(4) them ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. (3) which「彼は時計を二つ持って...
☆Relative-008● Fill in each blank with an appropriate word.008. Every rule has some exceptions.= There is ( ) rule ( ) has some exceptions. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓Answer●Answer008. no, but「どんな規則にも例外はある」「例外...
☆Relative-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. He wears a suit, no matter ( ) hot it is.(1) what(2) who(3) when(4) how ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (4) how「彼はどんなに暑くても背広を着ている」however とい...
☆Relative--010● Choose the best answer for the blank.010. 「彼はなけなしのお金をはたいて新車を買った」He took ( ) he had and bought a new car.(1) whic money(2) which little money(3) what money(4) what little money ↓ ↓選んだ...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200句と節 (これが出るポイント10)■句と節-001 that SV … → of + 名詞(句)■句と節-002 that SV … → of 以外の前置詞+ 名詞(句)■句と節-003 It seems that S 〜. → S seems to 〜.■句と節-004 無生物主語が人に〜させる■句と節-005 無生物主語...
☆Phrase and clause-001● Fill in the blanks with suitable words so that the two sentences mean the same.001. Im' sure that he will succeed in the exam.= I'm sure of ( )( ) in the exam. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ...
☆ Phrase and Clause-002● Fill in the blank so that the two sentences mean the same.002. We insisted that he should be innocent.= We insisted ( ) his ( ). ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. on, innocence「私た...
☆Phrase and clause-003● Fill in the blanks with suitable words so that the two sentences mean the same.003.It is said that he worked hard when he was young.= He is said ( )( )( ) hard in his you...
☆ Phrase and Clause-004● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.004. We had to put off our departure because it was stormy.= The stormy weather ( ) us to postpone our departure. ...
☆ Phrase and Clause-005● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.005. If you wear a helmet, you can avoid hurting your head.= A helmet keeps ( )( ) hurting your heade. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓...
☆Phrase and clause-006● Fill in the blank with a suitable word so that the two sentences mean the same.006. You can get to the station if you take this road.= This road will ( ) you to the station ?...
☆ Phrase and Clause-007● Fill in the blank so that the two sentences mean the same.007. Whenever I see this picture, I remember my school days.= This picture always ( ) me ( ) my school days. ↓ ↓埋...
☆ Phrase and clause-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. Bring the photo closer for me to see it better.= Bring the photo closer ( )( ) I can see it better. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer0...
☆ Phrase and clause-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. The parade will be held whether the weather is good or bad.= The parade will be held ( ) of the weather.(1) in spite(2) reg...
☆ Phrase and clause-010● Choose the best answer for the blank.010. The weather ( ) rainy, the baseball game was canceled.(1) is(2) was(3) has been(4) being ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (4) being「(天候が)雨だ...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200形容詞・副詞 (これが出るポイント10)■形容詞・副詞-001 人を主語にとらない形容詞■形容詞・副詞-002 人を主語にとる形容詞■形容詞・副詞-003 叙述用法しかない形容詞■形容詞・副詞-004 叙述用法と限定用法で意味が異なる形容詞■形容詞・副詞-005 紛らわしい形容詞■形容詞・副詞-006 数量形容詞■形容詞・副...
☆Adjective and Adverb-001● Correct the error in the following sentence.001. You are impossible to finish the work in a day. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. × You are impossible → ○ It is impossible for you「...
☆Adjective and Adverb-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. My mother was ( ) to meet the new teacher.(1) delightful(2) eager(3) necessary(4) effective ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (2) ...
☆Adjective and Adverb-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. Those twin sisters are exactly ( ).(1) like(2) same(3) alike(4) resemble ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (3) alike「そのふたごの姉妹はとてもよ...
☆Adjective and Adverb-004● Arrange the words below to make a complete sentence.004.「彼はある程度まで信用できる」He is ( extent / trustworthy / certain / a / to ). ↓ ↓並べ替えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. He is trustworthy to a c...
☆Adjective and Adverb-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. After a ( ) career as a TV personality, he entered politics.(1) success(2) successful(3) successive(4) succession ↓ ↓選んだ?...
☆Adjective and Adverb-006● Choose the best answer for the blank.046. ( ) money is necessary for the project.(1) Few(2) Not a few(3) A large number of(4) Quite a little ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (4) Q...
☆Adjective and Adverb-007● Correct the error, if any.007. Why don't you look up it in the dictionary? ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓それとも正しい? ↓ ↓●Answer007. × look up it → ○ look it upup は副詞です。副詞と代名詞の語順に注意!どういうこと?--------...
☆Adjective and Adverb-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices and complete the following dialog.008.A: "I haven't seen the movie."B: "( )"(1) So have I.(2) So I have.(3) Neither have I.(4)...
☆Adjective and Adverb-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. School begins at eight o'clock ( ).(1) sharp(2) just(3) sharply(4) exact ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (1) sharp「学校は8時きっかりに始まる...
☆Adjective and Adverb-010● Choose the best answer from the four choices.010. He has ( ) a few books on science.(1) much(2) such(3) quite(4) so ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (3) quite「彼は科学に関する本をかなりたくさん持って...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200比較 (これが出るポイント10)■比較-001 比較の大原則!比べるものを統一■比較-002 than を取らない比較■比較-003 比較級の強調■比較-004 原級-比較級-最上級の書き換え■比較-005 同一(人)物での比較(他と比べていない場合)■比較-006 二つの内ではより〜■比較-007 〜のためになおさら…■比...
☆Comparison-001● Correct the error in the following sentence.001. × The climate here is milder than Japan. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer× Japan → ○ that of Japan「当地の気候は日本より穏やかだ」比べるものを統一すること!------------【解説】☆比...
☆Comparison-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. This camera is much superior ( ) quality.(1) to(2) for(3) than(4) in ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (4) inなんとなく to にした人はいませんか?to じゃないの?--...
☆Comparison-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. She looks ( ) younger than she is.(1) many(2) much(3) so(4) more ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (2) much「彼女は実際よりずっと若く見える」比較級を強調するときは普通 mu...
☆Comparison-004● Fill in the blank with a suitable word.004.This camera is not so expensive as that one.= This camera is ( ) expensive than that one. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. less「このカメラはあのカメラほど高くない」...
☆Comparison-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. What he said made me ( ) than angry.(1) sad(2) the sadder(3) more sad(4) more sadder ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (3) more sad「彼の言ったことに...
☆Comparison-006● Choose the best answer for the blank.006. Of the two dogs the ( ) one is mine.(1) big(2) bigger(3) biggest(4) more big ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (2) bigger「2匹の犬のうち、大きいほうが私の犬です」the 比較...
☆Comparison-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. I like him none the ( ) for his faults.(1) most(2) best(3) better(4) less ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. (4) lessnone the less for 〜「〜だから...
☆Comparison-008● Choose the best answer for the blank.008.He has no more than ten books.= He has ( ) ten books.(1) only(2) at best(3) at most(4) as many as ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓Answer●Answer008. (1) only「彼は...
☆Comparison-009● Correct the error in the following sentence.009.× He feels the happiest when he is playing soccer. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer× the happiest → ○ happiest「彼はサッカーをしているときが一番幸せだ」最上級に the がつかないこ...
☆Comparison-010● Correct the error in the following sentence.010. × The more I studied world history, the more I came to find it interesting. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer× the more I came to find it interest...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200仮定法 (これが出るポイント10)■仮定法-001 仮定法過去■仮定法-002 仮定法過去完了■仮定法-003 if の省略■仮定法-004 条件節と主節で時制が異なる■仮定法-005 仮定法未来■仮定法-006 if 節の代わりをする語句■仮定法-007 if の代用をする語句■仮定法-008 仮定法を用いた表現 I w...
☆Subjunctive mood-001● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.001. As he is not at home, he doesn't answer the phone.= If he ( ) at home, he ( ) answer the phone. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓...
☆Subjunctive mood-002● Fill in the blanks with suitable words.002. As I had no time to spare, I couldn't go with them.= If I ( )( ) time to spare, I could ( )( ) with them. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answe...
☆Subjunctive mood-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. ( ) we known his address, we would have visited him.(1) If(2) Were(3) Had(4) Should ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (3) Had「彼の住所を知って...
☆Subjunctive mood-004● Choose the best answer from the four choices.004.If you had slept enough last night, you ( ) sleepy now.(1) were(2) would be(3) would not be(4) wouldn't have been ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ...
☆Subjunctive mood-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. If I ( ) be born again, I would like to be a doctor.(1) were(2) were to(3) will(4) would have ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (2) we...
☆Subjunctive mood-006● Fill in the blank with an appropriate word to make the two sentences mean the same.006. If it had not been for the money, I could not have studied at this college.= ( ) the mo...
☆Subjunctive mood-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. ( ) it were 100 dollars, would you buy it?(1) Suppose(2) Supposed(3) To suppose(4) To have supposed ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. ...
☆Subjunctive mood-008● Fill in the blank so that the two sentences mean the same.008. I'm sorry yesterday was not a holiday.= I wish yesterday ( ) a holiday.(1) is(2) be(3) were(4) had been ↓ ↓選んだ? ...
☆Subjunctive mood-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. He talked of her as if he ( ) her personally.(1) knows(2) were knowing(3) knew(4) had been knowing ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (...
☆Subjunctive mood-010● Choose the best answer from the four choices.010. It is high time the children ( ) to bed.(1) go(2) went(3) gone(4) has gone ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (2) went「もう子供は寝る時間です」It i...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200話法 (これが出るポイント10)■話法-001 話法の転換 “平叙文”■話法-002 話法の転換 “疑問文”(1)■話法-003 “疑問文”の転換(2)■話法-004 “命令文”の転換■話法-005 話法の転換 “Let’s 〜.”■話法-006 話法の転換 “祈願文”■話法-007 間接話法 → 直接話法■話法-008 機...
☆Narration-001● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.001. She said to me, "My mother is not well today."= She ( ) me ( ) mother ( ) not well ( ) day. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer...
☆Narration-002● Fill in the blanks with suitable words.002. I said to him, "Do I have to do the work at once?"= I ( ) him ( ) I ( )( ) do the work at once. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. asked, if, ...
☆Narration-003● Change the narration of the following sentence.003. He said to me, "How long have you lived here?" ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. He asked me how long I had lived there.「彼は私に『あなたはここにどのくらい住んで...
☆Narration-004● Change the narration of the following sentence.004. The teacher said, "Tom, don't be late for school again." ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. The teacher told Tom not to be late for school aga...
☆Narration-005● Change the narration of the following sentence.005. He said to me, ”Please call me again tomorrow.” ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. He asked me to call him again the next day.命令文の伝達動詞は、tell 〜...
☆Narration-006● Change the narration of the following sentence.006. He said to us, "Let's discuss the matter next week." ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. He suggested to us that we should discuss the matter t...
☆Narration-007● Change the narration of the following sentence.007. She said, "How magnificent this view from here is !" ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. She said with a sigh how magnificent that view from th...
☆Narration-008● Change the narration of the following sentence.008. Yesterday I visited this office and then he said to me, "Willyou come here again tomorrow?" ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008. Yesterday I vis...
☆Narration-009● Change the narration of the following sentence.009. The man said to me, "I arrived here yesterday, and I'll stay for three days." ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. The man told me that he had a...
☆Narration-010● Change the narration of the following sentence.010. The customer said to me, "I don't like this blouse. Please show me another." ↓ ↓変えた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. The customer told me that she ...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200代名詞 (これが出るポイント10)■代名詞-001 形式主語の it■代名詞-002 代名詞 one ■代名詞-003 代名詞 that ■代名詞-004 不定代名詞 (1)■代名詞-005 不定代名詞 (2)■代名詞-006 特定の語+名詞+ of +所有代名詞(〜のもの)■代名詞-007 再帰代名詞 ( 〜self, 〜...
☆Pronoun-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. She sometimes finds ( ) hard to express herself in English.(1) so(2) very(3) that(4) it ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (4) it「彼女はときどき自分の言うこ...
☆Pronoun-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. Now I don't have a car, but I'm going to buy ( ) next month.(1) one(2) it(3) the one(4) them ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (1) one「今私は車を持って...
☆Pronoun-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. Compare these maps with ( ) on the wall.(1) other(2) them(3) such(4) those ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (4) those「これらの地図を壁にかかっているものと比べなさい」...
☆Pronoun-004● Choose the best answer from the four choices.004. I think he is ( ) of a musician.(1) nobody(2) anything(3) something(4) anybody ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. (3) something「彼はちょっとした音楽家だと私は思...
☆Pronoun-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. He is always watching TV.= He does ( ) but watch TV.(1) all(2) everything(3) anything(4) nothing ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (4) nothing「...
☆Pronoun-006● Correct the error, if any.006. Please let me use this dictionary of you. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. × you → ○ yours「あなたのこの辞書を使わせてください」「あなたのこの辞書」は this dictionary of yours です。「あなたの〜」だから、〜 ...
☆Pronoun-007● Choose the best answer from the four choices.007. I wish I could make ( ) understood in English.(1) my(2) me(3) mine(4) myself ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. (4) myself「英語で話が通じたらいいのになあ」make ...
☆Pronoun-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. ( ) the girls like dancing.(1) Most(2) Most of(3) Almost(4) Almost of ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008. (2) Most of「その女の子たちのほとんどはダンスが好きです」most+...
☆Pronoun-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. Of their five children, two are in Japan and ( ) are abroad.(1) other(2) another(3) others(4) the others ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (4) ...
☆Pronoun-010● Choose the best answer from the four choices.010. ( ) of the students is required to read these books.(1) Both(2) Each(3) Every(4) Almost ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (2) Each「各学生はこれらの本を読む...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200名詞 (これが出るポイント10)■名詞-001 似ている名詞の識別■名詞-002 相互複数■名詞-003 常に単数扱いの名詞■名詞-004 形は単数だが常に複数扱いの名詞■名詞-005 単複両方の扱いをする名詞■名詞-006 実は数えられない名詞■名詞-007 前置詞 + 抽象名詞 の重要表現■名詞-008 意外な用法の名詞...
☆Noun-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. He paid a ( ) of 5,000 yen for speeding.(1) fine(2) charge(3) fee(4) fare ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (1) fine「彼はスピード違反で、5,000円の罰金を支払っった」fin...
☆Noun-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. You must keep on good ( ) with your senior.(1) term(2) a term(3) the term(4) terms ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (4) terms「あなたは先輩と仲良くしなければならない...
☆Noun-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. Haiku is a very succinct form of ( ).(1) poem(2) the poem(3) a poetry(4) poetry ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (4) poetry「俳句は非常に簡潔な詩の形態である」a po...
☆ Noun-004● Correct the error if any.004. The police was controlling the crowds around the scramble crossing. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. × was → 〇 were「警察がスクランブル交差点周辺で群衆を整理していた」単数形か複数形か?----------【解説】☆...
☆Noun-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. Our class ( ) of 40 students.(1) consists(2) consist(3) is consisted of(4) are consisited of ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer45. (1) consists「私たちのクラス...
☆Noun-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. The dam on the lake will do ( ).(1) environmental harm(2) an environmental harm(3) environmental harms(4) many environmental harm ↓ ↓選んだ?...
☆Noun-007● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the following sentences mean the same.007. The information is valueless to me.= The information is ( )( ) value to me. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007...
☆ Noun-008● Correct the error if any.008. It's about ten minutes walk to the library. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer48. It's about ten minutes' walk to the library.「図書館まで歩いておよそ10分です」× minutes → 〇 minutes'名詞の例外...
☆Noun-009● Correct the error, if any.009. My friend gave me a new pair of boot. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. × boot → ○ boots「私の友人は私に1足の新しいブーツをくれた」「1足のブーツ」a pair of boots通例 boots片方の場合は、a bootその数え方は、a pai...
☆Noun-010● Choose the best answer from the four choices.010. A lot of people buy ( ) and services over the Internet.(1) good(2) a good(3) goods(4) a goods ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. (3) goods「多くの人がインタ...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200冠詞 (これが出るポイント10)■冠詞-001 a か an か■冠詞-002 the + 形容詞■冠詞-003 冠詞の位置に注意■冠詞-004 前置詞 + the + 体の部分■冠詞-005 不定冠詞と固有名詞■冠詞-006 無冠詞になる表現■冠詞-007 the を付けない固有名詞■冠詞-008 定冠詞の特殊な用法■冠詞...
☆Article-001● Correct the error, if any.001. I saw an UFO shaped like a cigar yesterday. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. × an → ○ a「きのう私は葉巻型のユーフォー(未確認飛行物体)を見た」冠詞の後の単語が母音で始まっているからといって an にすると間違えることがあります。母音で始...
☆Article-002● Fill in the blank with a suitable word so that the two sentences mean the same.002. We must be kind to the old.= We must be kind to old ( ) . ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. people「私たちは老人に親切に...
☆Article-43● Correct the error, if any, in the following English sentence.43. I didn't realize that he was a so good man.「彼がそんなにいい人だとは知らなかった」 ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer43. × a so good man → ○ so good a man...
☆Article-004● Fill in the blanks with a suitable word so that the two sentences mean the same.004. He kissed her cheek.= He kissed her ( )( ) cheek. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. on the「彼は彼女のほほにキスをした」前...
☆Article-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. I want to buy ( ) Toyota in good condition.(1) a(2) of(3) for(4) as ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (1) a「私は状態の良いトヨタの車を買いたい」固有名詞に a (an) が付くこ...
☆Article-006● Correct the error, if any.006. They went out for a lunch together. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. × a lunch → ○ lunch「彼らはいっしょに昼食に出かけた」lunch など食事の名前の前には、ふつう冠詞を付けない。冠詞を付けない(無冠詞となる)表現は他に何があるでしょう...
☆Article-007● Correct the error, if any.007. Dad, I want to go to the Tokyo University, but do you think I can? ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. × the Tokyo University → ○ Tokyo University「お父さん、僕は東京大学に行きたいんだ...
☆Article-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. The shop rents many kinds of pets by ( ).(1) hour(2) an hour(3) the hour(4) hours ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008. (3) the hour「その店はいろんな種類のペット...
☆ Article-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices to make the two sentences mean the same.009. Tom and I are the same age.= Tom and I are of ( ) age.(1) an(2) the(3) its(4) our ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓...
☆ Article-010● Correct the error if any.010. They left in a haste without even saying goodbye. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. × in a haste → 〇 in haste冠詞が紛らわしい表現をまとめて覚える!-------------------【解説】☆冠詞-010●誤文訂正...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200前置詞 (これが出るポイント10)■前置詞-001 何かの前に置くから前置詞だ■前置詞-002 前置詞の後に来るもの■前置詞-003 形容詞+前置詞で紛らわしいもの■前置詞-004 類推から前置詞を誤りやすいもの■前置詞-005 自動詞+前置詞で紛らわしいもの■前置詞-006 類推でまちがえやすい前置詞(1)■前置詞-007...
☆Preposition-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. He was scolded for being ( ).(1) late(2) late for(3) late on(4) late to ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (1) late「彼は遅刻したので叱られた」何かの前に置くから前置...
☆Preposition-002● Choose the best answer from the four choices.002. People over 65 can swim ( ) free in city pools.(1) because(2) get(3) on(4) for ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. (4) for「65歳以上の人は市営プールで無料で泳...
☆Preposition-003● Choose the best answer from the four choices.003. I'm tired ( ) being judged by the way I look.「私は見かけで判断されるのにうんざりしている」(1) with(2) of(3) on(4) for ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (2) ofbe ...
☆Preposition-004● Choose the best answer from the four choices.004. She went in search ( ) her lost child.(1) of(2) for(3) to(4) from ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. (1) of「彼女はゆくえのわからない子供を捜しに出かけた」in search...
☆Preposition-005● Choose the best answer from the four choices.005. I was not attending ( ) what he was saying.(1) for(2) on(3) in(4) to ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. (4) to「私は彼の言っていることを注意して聞いていなかった」atte...
☆Preposition-006● Choose the best preposition for the blank.006. 「日本では学校は4月から始まる」The school year begins ( ) April in Japan.(1) in(2) from(3) on(4) of ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (1) in日本語に惑わされないようにすること!...
☆Preposition-007● Choose the best preposition for the blank.007. The train left Fukuoka ( ) Tokyo at eight.(1) in(2) from(3) to(4) for ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. (4) for「電車は8時に福岡を出て東京に向かった」leave 〜 for...
☆Preposition-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. I often visited the British Museum ( ) my stay in London.(1) among(2) between(3) during(4) while ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008. (3) duri...
☆Preposition-009● Fill in the blank with a suitable word so that the two sentences mean the same.009. He wrote a book ( ) a view to raising a social problem.= He wrote a book ( ) the purpose of ra...
☆Preposition-010● Fill in the blank with a suitable word.010. What you are worrying ( ) will never happen. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. about「あなたが悩んでいることは決して起こりはしないでしょう」前置詞の後に目的語がない?どういうとき?----------【解説...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200接続詞 (これが出るポイント10)■接続詞-001 等位接続詞を用いた表現■接続詞-002 名詞節を導く接続詞■接続詞-003 前置詞の後の名詞節■接続詞-004 時を表す接続詞■接続詞-005 譲歩を表す接続詞■接続詞-006 目的を表す接続詞■接続詞-007 程度・結果を表す接続詞■接続詞-008 条件を表す接続詞■接続...
☆Conjunction-001● Choose the best answer from the four choices.001. Mary was good at English, ( ) she didn't get an A.(1) and(2) yet(3) however(4) on the contrary ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. (2) yet「メア...
☆Conjunction-002● Choose the best answer for the blank from among the four choices.002. You don't have to eat the whole of a bad egg to know ( ) it is bad.(1) which(2) what(3) that(4) where ↓ ↓選んだ? ...
☆Conjunction-003● Choose the best answer for the blank.003. The story is good ( ) it is a little too long.(1) how(2) execpt that(3) why(4) in case ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer003. (2) except that「少し長過ぎるという点...
☆Conjunction-004● Choose the best answer from among the four choices.004. I'll be back in Japan ( ) this letter reaches you.(1) if(2) until(3) by(4) by the time ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer004. (4) by the t...
☆Conjunction-005● Fill in the blank with a suitable word.005. Young ( ) he is, he has much experience.= ( ) he is young, he has much experience. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. as, Though「彼は若いけれども、経験が豊富...
☆Conjunction-006●Choose the best answer from the four choices.006. Take care ( ) you should fall asleep.(1) if(2) so that(3) unless(4) lest ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (4) lest「眠らないように注意しなさい」lest 〜 sho...
☆Conjunction-007● Fill in the blanks with suitable words.00The grass was so wet that I couldn't sit on it.= The grass was ( ) wet ( ) me to sit on. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007. too, for「草があまりにも濡れていたの...
☆Conjunction-008● Choose the best answer from the four choices.008. I can't understand you ( ) you speak more clealy.(1) if(2) unless(3) without(4) since ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008. (2) unlessunless「〜し...
☆Conjunction-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. He isn't better. If ( ), he is getting worse.「彼はよくなっていない。どちらかと言えば悪くなっている」(1) not(2) ever(3) any(4) anything ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer00...
☆Conjunction-010● Correct the error.010. It was London that Mr. Yamada bought this umbrella last year. ↓ ↓訂正した? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. × London → ○ in London「去年山田さんがこの傘を買ったのはロンドンだった」この that は何でしょう?次回は「否定」です...
基本問題を解く。解説を読む。必ず英文法の力が付きます。英文法基本問題200否定 (これが出るポイント10)■否定-001 全体否定(全部否定)■否定-002 部分否定■否定-003 二重否定■否定-004 yes は「はい」とは限らない■否定-005 強意の否定表現■否定-006 準否定語を用いた否定表現■否定-007 否定語を用いない否定表現■否定-008 「〜も…ない」という表現■否定-009...
☆Negation-001● Insert a word into the parentheses so that the two sentences mean the same.001. Neither of his brothers is dead.= Both of his brothers ( )( ). ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer001. are, alive「彼の...
☆Negation-002● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.002.Some of them passed the exam, but others not.= ( )( ) of them passed the exam. ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer002. Not all「彼ら全員が試...
☆Negation-003● Fill in the blanks so that the two sentences mean the same.003. Whenever he goes to Kyoto, he visits the temple.= He ( ) goes to Kyoto ( ) visiting the temple. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer0...
☆Negation-004● Choose the best answer to complete the dialogue.004.A:Would you mind lending me your car tonight?B:( )A:Great! Thank you.(1) Certainly, not.(2) Of course, I would.(3) Yes, I'd like to....
☆Negation-005● Fill in the blank so that the two sentences mean the same.005. She is not a musician at all.= She is ( ) but a musician. ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer005. anything「彼女が音楽家なんてとんでもない」anything but...
☆Negation-006● Choose the best answer from the four choices.006.He is a man of ( ) words.(1) little(2) hardly(3) seldom(4) few ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer006. (4) few「彼は口数の少ない人だ」a man of few words「口数の少ない人」...
☆Negation-007● Choose the best answer to complete the dialogue.007.A:I can't remember his name.B:( )(1) Neither can I.(2) Can't I either.(3) Either can't I.(4) Neither I can. ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer007....
☆Negation-008● Choose the best answer to complete the dialogue.008.A:I can't remember his name.B:( )(1) Neither can I.(2) Can't I either.(3) Either can't I.(4) Neither I can. ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer008....
☆Negation-009● Choose the best answer from the four choices.009. Who ate all the cake? There is ( ) left!(1) nothing(2) no one(3) nobody(4) none ↓ ↓選んだ? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer009. (4) none「誰がケーキを全部食べたんだ? 少しも残...
☆Negation-010● Fill in the blank so that the two sentences mean the same.010. I don't know how to thank you.= I cannot thank you ( ). ↓ ↓埋めた? ↓ ↓ ↓●Answer010. enough「お礼の申しようもありません」否定語を用いた慣用表現を覚える!ca...