☆Participial construction-007
● Choose the best answer from the four choices.
007. ( ) his salary what it is, she won't marry him.
(1) With
(2) For
(3) In
(4) From
007. (1) With
With + O + C 「 O が C の状態で」
付帯状況を表す with の用法。
007. (With) his salary what it is, she won't marry him.
付帯状況を表す with の用法を覚えてますか?
With + O + C 「 O が C の状態で」という表現です。
with your mouth full「口に物をほおばって」
with his arms folded「腕組みをして」
with her hair streaming in the wind「髪を風になびかせて」
his salary「彼の給料」が what it is「今のそれ」の状態というわけです。
If his salary is what it is, she won't marry him.
His salary being what it is, she won't marry him.
いずれにしても、his salary と what it is の間に主語と述語の関係があることを理解することが重要です。